13 February 2008

I Hate Steve Wilkos

I have only seen a few episodes of The Steve Wilkos Show, but what I've seen just makes me angry to watch. I wonder... what qualifications does he even have? How is it that he has a talk show that is meant to help people by yelling through their problems? What kind of education does he have? Any? His "Meet Steve Wilkos" page [Update: this information is finally back up on his site here] offers these qualifications:

  • He is 6'3''

  • He was once the head of security on the Jerry Springer show

  • He is an ex-marine

  • He was in the chicago police department

  • He filled in for Springer for about two years

  • He watches cartoons with his two children

  • He was in "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me"

  • He is a regular at the Chicago Cubs baseball games [removed from his updated bio, presumably because, who wants to admit being a Cubs fan?]

And, consistent to these qualifications, these are some of the services he offers:

  • Steve will set an unfit parent straight

  • Steve will confront someone who is destroying your life

  • Steve will listen to a story that would make him explode

  • Steve will talk some sense into a deadbeat parent

  • Steve will help someone get out of or even want to get out of an abusive relationship

  • Steve will give a someone who is in the middle of a family crisis a wakeup call

  • Steve will step in the middle of a feud

  • Steve will stand up to someone who has wronged you

  • Steve will rescue you if you are on the run and tired of hiding

That's pretty impressive. Let me tell you what Steve will actually do. Steve will make judgments before the guests even appear on the show. Steve will get in the guests' faces and scream his opinion. Steve will never consider the fact that the "victim" could be lying. Steve will unconditionally trust fallible tests, like the lie detector test. Steve will verbally assault his guests. Steve will force out false apologies. Steve will not solve anybody's problems. Steve will only publicize them and boost up his ratings.

Steve is a moron.

And needs to be cancelled.


Unknown said...

I couldn't agree with you more! Throughout life we're taught to work on our problems with the people we have them with. With Steve, it's quite the opposite. Bullying only leads to out lash and as we've seen with Columbine and other "out lashes" it's only a matter of time before someone severely hurts Steve or worse. Would it really take something as horrible for him to see that anger and bullying is never a good thing, no matter who is doing it and lots of people are doing it!

Unknown said...

Dear Jess et al., Steve Wilkos is a bully.....Qualifications? Claims to the marine corps and chicago police department are undocumented as far as I know. While he does not claim to be a mental health professional , he does perform as one and maybe perform is the operative word. I am a Masters level Social Worker and I would venture to say that I know far more about addiction and child abuse than Mr. Wilkos will ever know.It appears to me that what he is interested in is profit and venting anger (towards whom and why is an open question). Jerry Springer and Richard Dominick should be ashamed of their affiliation of th affiliation with the show but then again profit is everything.

Holly said...

I HEART!!! Remember our roommates? Thankfully they watch that only in the comfort of their own room these days. :) but I still miss you.

BRADLY said...

Hes an idiot. Tell me what to do to help get him cancelled. I have watched some full episodes and of course now I turn him. I cant stand to even see him and Id LOVE to meet him, OF COURSE NOT ON HIS SHOW!!! Cant stand the guy please tell me how to help get him off the air!!!

Unknown said...

So True !!!!

gunnyf said...

To those who think one day Steve Wilkos will bring on the wrong guest and get his ass kicked:
Never happen. He will never confront anyone bigger than he is. He will research each guest to insure they do not have advanced martial arts experience and if he misses one and does get physically attacked, his overpaid goons will jump in before any damage is done. and in the event he does get whipped? It will never aire and witnesses will be paid to keep quiet about it.
And that's coming from an ex LE professional and a Marine veteran.

Unknown said...

You're and idiot Jess. The show has been successful for 6 years and it will be successful until the day he decides to cancel it, which I hope doesn't happen. Steve is a guardian angel who stands up for helpless children, abused women, victims of molestation/rape and people who are afraid to stand u for themselves, etc.
He's a humble man who actually cares, not like Jerry. He helps people, the victims, after the show. No, he doesn't have to sit there and listen to a douchebag who abandoned his/her child, abused his/her spouse or raped anyone and anything or anyone down that line. You can sit your ass behind your computer and hate while the man is making millions and becoming more successful each day. I don't see why you would have a problem with him unless you're one of the above type of animal. Guilty conscious? I think so...But you can go on with the rest of the assholes here and hate on someone while you can be doing something positive with your life. Too bad you're too stupid to figure that out. And by reading your "about," hell to the no, you're not confident, you're arrogant AND ignorant. And just for all of your information he does have people bigger than him on his show and you can find that on YouTube. The man is a marine and was a police officer, he dealt with assholes like you and your little followers here for a LONG time. So yeah, he can whoop anyone's ass. GET OFF MY STAGE! Peace loser...

Jess said...


How very sweet of you to grace my 5-year-old blog post with your presence. I first thought maybe you were a troll, but it appears that you mean every word you say. If that's the case, I will stand behind what I wrote 5 years ago and say that I still mean every word I said, but with more conviction, as I have now competed a graduate degree in psychology and understand human behavior so much better than when I first wrote this. Also, I don't need to defend myself to you, although I can safely say that I said none of this out of a "guilty conscious [sic]" And for you to make such a low, unfounded accusation toward me suggests that you are no better than Steve Wilkos.

I'd like to know the sources behind your claims that he helps the victims of his show after exploiting their problems, real or otherwise. I'd like to see that he's offered them any real help. Something that helps to heal and set a persn's life back on track for good. The fact is, he's not a therapist. He, like many other Americans, has a narrow, strictly punitive view of how to deal with criminals, and even people who aren't necessarily criminals, but just on a wrong path. His "methods" are not helpful or supported by science in any way, on the part of the victim or the perpetrator. If he really wanted to help, he would refer these people to trained professionals, including trained mediators and therapists.

And do you think that because he makes "millions" (debatable) and is becoming "more successful" (also debatable... I didn't even know his show was still on), that this is a sign of his innocence and helpfulness? Because no one makes millions or achieves great success on the backs of exploited thousands or tens of thousands of people? He may sit and make his money, but that doesn't mean I have to have any respect for him or his scientifically-unsupported, and even harmful, methods.

Speaking of sitting behind a computer and hating rather than bettering oneself, what exactly do you think your comment was an attempt to do? Express love and improve your own self? Hmmm...

By the way, this is MY stage. And no one tells me to get off.

Have a lovely day,


Wilkos is nothing but a bully. I remember his type in school.It may take years, but karma will visit this scumbag and return everything he has dished out.

Unknown said...

Wilkos is an abusive asshole. Gets his rocks off by belittling people, under the thin guise of "helping" and/or supposedly "telling it like it is. He has only one "move" when he's obviously losing the debate. It's "Get off my stage!" as he predictably picks up a chair and throws it.
Really really mindless, disingenuous, base, dysfunctional television.

Unknown said...

You, Jessica, don't really know anything. Maybe yelling at people and giving them the cold hard truth is what they really need more than some stupid Psychologist trying to probe their mind and figure out what's wrong. Lie detectors aren't always accurate, I wondered myself how come Steve always trusts them, however that doesn't mean Steve is this terrible guy as you are saying. If you really have nothing better to do instead of sprouting your useless intelligence about him then maybe you should go back to collage. :)

Jess said...

I have never actually been a fan of that art of collage. It always seemed like busy work in elementary school - rip out magazines and glue them to a poster board. Boring.

On the other hand, if you were referring to "college," this is what I was doing when I wrote this post! I was working on my degree and have since finished that degree, along with a Master's. I suppose I could continue, but I don't know why that would give me anymore authority to speak my opinion about Steve Wilkos.

And why do you think that "yelling at people and giving them the cold hard truth" is really what they need? Does it work? Does going on the show magically change these people for the better, and make them take a good, hard look at their own lives? Show me. I'd love to see some evidence that the Steve Wilkos method is equally as effective or better than psychological treatments.

Until then, I recommend that you go back to "collage." It would be a much better use of your time than defending Steve Wilkos.

Unknown said...

Ok, look, Helen and Jess, I DO NOT want 2 get get involved in ANYTHING, ok? But just hear me out, because I don't want to get in between U 2. But in my opinion, I think Steve Wilkos is a good person, who does help out people hp actually NEED it, like what Helen said. But when it comes to this stuff that he gets SO worked up about and he clomps around the stage, getting in guilty people, who might not even ACTUALLY BE guilty, due to the so-called "lie detectors's faces, screaming himself horse. For example, I saw the full episode of "I killed by baby" where a women who does not want to have kids any more with her husband, stop her baby's birth by taking an overdose of CRACK. For the 2nd half of the episode I had to have the volume turned down, like, over 9000!!!!!!!!!! because all Steve was doing was having a HUGE go at the mother, and her husband, Tim. And just before the end, I think Steve lost a bit of his sanity, because he sometimes gets SO caught up, and carried away with his yelling and screaming and the audience classically drinking it all in, that afterwards all he did was repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again!! "YOU KILLED YOUR BABY!!! YOU KILLED YOUR BABY!!!YOU KILLED YOUR BABY!!!YOU KILLED YOUR BABY!!!YOU KILLED YOUR BABY!!!YOU KILLED YOUR BABY!!!" and then he starts calling her a PIG, saying a bunch of bullcrap that she "not a human being!" and she's a whore, and a slut (they're pretty much the same thing), and a CrackHead, and the women is completely broken down. And the husband, Tim, who only wanted to stand up for his wife, that until he found out what she did, and Steve starts yelling at HIM! and 4 WHAT?????!! After he's done yelling out the mother. Saying stuff like a bloody 5-year-old, like: "WARNING! PIG COMING DOWN THE HALL!!! DON'T SLEEP WITH HER, OR SHE'LL KILL YOUR CHILD!!!! PIG ALERT!! BABY KILLER! THIS WOMEN WILL KILL YOUR CHILD IF YOU SLEEP WITH THIS PIG!!!!" over and OVER again. Is this supposed to solve ANYTHING?? What's the point of doing THAT!! Steve Wilkos thinks this will do anything, that it will accomplish anything AT ALL????!!! I can understand that what the mum did to her baby, while she was pregnant, yes, PREGNANT, and killing it was unspeakably awful thing 2 do, but the thing is, is that yelling and screaming at them, and calling them horrible names, like a pig, or saying they're not human, which Steve is SUPPOSED to be HELPING people with their problems, and whether they're human or a pig has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!!

I would explain how Steve then takes his anger out on Tim, who's not a bad guy, in fact, he actually makes a very clear point at one point in the hideous episode, but I've said enough (or not enough) already. If you want to, see the episode for yourself, and reply to this comment for your opinion. In fact, read the comments 2 the video, and see what other people have typed up.

Thnx 4 reading, your sincerly


Unknown said...

Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And a SCREW YOU YEAR!!! for Wilkos!!!!!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Why doesn't Steve have a show that discusses the following:

1) Why hay pays his guests (i.e. killers, wife/child beaters, crack heads, etc) to appear on his show just to raise ratings?

2) Why he calls everyone a "fat ass" when he is fat himself?

3) What happens to the victims once they get home after Steve humiliates the wife/child beaters on his show?

4) Why he tries to act like a tough guy and tempts the guests to hit them while standing behind his gang of lawyers that will sue them soon after?

Steve is a stimple-minded moron that actually believes that yelling and screaming like the guests on his show somehow makes things better. Yelling and humiliation does not help these idiot guests... jail does

Alienworldsincoloratfacebook said...

people who behave the way Steve does is symptomatic of a man with a guilty conscious. it is like a person who in a crowd who is emotionally unstable will demand grand stand attention. and also a person who has done something bad or is doing something bad will take the opportunity to bash someone and turn people against them because that is the only time they can chill and take a break because in his mind as long as people are not looking at him his bad side wont be discovered. and it serves as an ego reinforcement. i mean we have a man who sounds like a total whiner throws chairs around and makes the person stand for the entire show. and also when someone is innocent and realizes Steve's game and they try to take back their personal power and walk away Steve looses it big time, on television he shouts and yells as an attempt to verbally assassinate his character and taunt the guy back on stage.

Nicole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I just found out his show today, watched few episodes. I can't stop wondering, how many 'guests' suffered more after his show? Especially after I watch how he handle people with clear personality disorder, like one girl who has drug addiction, self harm, irresponsible sex activity, impulsive, sounds like border-line personality disorder to me, but what he ask the girl was, why do you cut yourself? how does that suppose to help, if he doesn't even know where the real problem is?

Something gives me chill is how he handle woman who's in abusive relationship, beaten, choked, bang head against floor, punch in the face. All he can say was yelling at the guy, the guy denies, and said the woman deserve it. then he ask the girl, "why don't you leave him?", it's a deadly attraction for the woman bcs of reinforcement and lots psychological thing causing her unable to leave, and the final thing he say was, choose the door if you want to say with him go right, leave go left.

or abusive husband who abused wife,and has high risk of abusing their children, bcs he suspect her cheating on him, in the end he just open his envelope and say, "he did not cheat on you". problem solved. couple hugs, audiences claps hands.

or unfit teen parents who has unwanted child, all they can talk about is if he cheats or not, the child was in high risk of being abused in my eye, and he read the envelope revealing who's cheating,and call it case closed.

I can't stop wondering how many people suffer more after his show, and how many are actually killed after the show, bcs he failed to provide real help or just too ignorant about it.

Unknown said...

Jessica thank you so much for this page, after watching only half of one episode and maybe a third of another I simply wanted to find a page to say what I thought about Steve wilkos and I am so happy to see that there are so many others that are disgusted by this living turd. There is only one other time I have ever disliked a tv personality so much that I felt I had to say something (Abby lee Miller from dance moms) .
This man is the biggest fraud I've ever seen and pretends to be able to "read people" when it's obvious he already has results from lie detectors etc.. The episode I was just watching (about animal cruelty) he actually says how "dogs are like part of the family....." And "they are like children to me" Then two minutes later after preaching about caring for your pets he says "our dog died last year after being hit by a car at our summer home..... " and says how hard it was for his wife and kids, "but we have replaced the dog now " it just came across so cold and fake. So I guess he can just "replace " his own "children ". The guy is the biggest douche bag I've ever seen and the fact that he has made this kind of money and absolutely no qualifications to do what he does and some people look at him like some kind of hero is absurd. I watched him throw his guest off the stage only to bring them back again so he could be a real stud and "get the privilege to throw you off my stage twice!"
I honestly can't wait till the day that this POS is busted for something so people can see what he really is. I honestly wouldn't be shocked AT ALL if it was some shit like child porn or anything else. He's definitely no damn hero, he's a bully that has a very unrealistic opinion of himself and apparently has convinced too many others as well.

Unknown said...

Jessica thank you so much for this page, after watching only half of one episode and maybe a third of another I simply wanted to find a page to say what I thought about Steve wilkos and I am so happy to see that there are so many others that are disgusted by this living turd. There is only one other time I have ever disliked a tv personality so much that I felt I had to say something (Abby lee Miller from dance moms) .
This man is the biggest fraud I've ever seen and pretends to be able to "read people" when it's obvious he already has results from lie detectors etc.. The episode I was just watching (about animal cruelty) he actually says how "dogs are like part of the family....." And "they are like children to me" Then two minutes later after preaching about caring for your pets he says "our dog died last year after being hit by a car at our summer home..... " and says how hard it was for his wife and kids, "but we have replaced the dog now " it just came across so cold and fake. So I guess he can just "replace " his own "children ". The guy is the biggest douche bag I've ever seen and the fact that he has made this kind of money and absolutely no qualifications to do what he does and some people look at him like some kind of hero is absurd. I watched him throw his guest off the stage only to bring them back again so he could be a real stud and "get the privilege to throw you off my stage twice!"
I honestly can't wait till the day that this POS is busted for something so people can see what he really is. I honestly wouldn't be shocked AT ALL if it was some shit like child porn or anything else. He's definitely no damn hero, he's a bully that has a very unrealistic opinion of himself and apparently has convinced too many others as well.

Jess said...

I am glad that people are still finding this post 8 years later, even if they are brought here by a fierce loathing for this pathetic character. Thanks for the comments.

Any said...

My brother Steven Williams appeared on the Steve Wilkos show in November 2018. Two days ago I had to make the choice to take him off if life support because he hung himself on January 15th in his jail cell. He called the show himself in order to clear his name in the midst of being accused of some of the worst crimes you can be accused of against one of his own children. Let me state that he had no incentive to call the show, as local authorities had already investigated the claims and closed the case due to lack of evidence. What you see on the show is that he failed the test. What you aren’t made aware of is that he failed almost every question asked of him. Including his own name and the date. They also cancelled the flight and hotel for a family member of his who was coming along to support him on the show. They tested him with drugs in his system and didn’t disclose that to the audience. Steve Wilkos and his producers prey on people like my brother who are down and out because they have little credibility and in their desperation they sign away all of their rights. Also, comments on steve’s Facebook page about my brother were deleted immediately. I wonder how many others have a story similar to mine.

Cedreg said...

Steve is a drunk with a drinking problem n trying to tell people how to live their lives. He has always been a drunk And trying to tell people how to live their lives..tell him how are you a great father when you had a serious wreck while you were driving drunk..you have been a drunk all your life and now you got caught n u trying to tell people how to live their life you need to cancel ur show or stop trying to tell people what to do.

Unknown said...

My god, I have always said theres something off about him. I am convinced that he has some pervy kink. Like child porn or something.

Liz said...

I find Stevewilkos to be a bully. The thought behind his show is admirable. The way he treats his guests not so much. Maury has a much nicer tone to his show then Steve does. Just yesterday I watched a show on YouTube where a father did not know he had a daughter for 3 years and by the time he knew his daughter was 21 pounds and suffering from severe ptsd. Having been in an abusive relationship myself all I see Steve doing is behaving very similar to my ex. To me this is very disturbing. It’s not okay for a person to berate someone like Steve does. In fact it would be classified as bullying and harassment which is a criminal offence, yet it’s okay for a tv show host whose an ex cop by the way to do that? Something is majorly wrong here. My ex was verbally and emotionally abusive. He was also financially abusive. What I see from Steve to his guests is verbal and emotional abuse. I cannot hate. I left as soon as I realized what was wrong in my marriage. Steve is not my favourite person. We cannot judge though because we never know someone’s back story. How do we know the abuser was not abused themselves. Instead of furthering any hurt felt by these people why don’t offer them help. It is up to them whether or not they take it. My ex has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. He does not understand consequences and what he grew up with was not a good modelling system for behaviour. His disability is not his fault. He is however a grown man and knows the difference between right and wrong. He cannot control his impulses however so the question then becomes how much control does this man really have in his life?

Cedreg said...

Steve show has been on the air for over 10 years and he has call people who done drugs n drinking unfit parents yet he has been drinking before he was a cop or in the military. He turned over his truck because he was drunk and never came on TV to apologize to the people who he has accuse of be a drunk and called him unfit parent. He is not a bully hes what we call a coward he has been married before n i wonder if his drinking probably was the reason why they got divorced and his wife now who is the producer of his show know hes a drunk. I would love for him to take a lie detector test and ask do you still drink and I bet you he will fail but yet he say hes a great dad. I wonder did he ever think what would happen if his family was in the truck when he was drunk and turned it over. Stop calling the kettle black when you're just as worse as they are n apologize n take the test to see if u still drink after ur Court date.

Delrod said...

A few years back he was in my town with a Springer producer at a local bar. My ex was there too (very attractive girl) he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her, kept asking for her to come to his hotel room, she politely declined but he kept after her, even tried to give her his room key again she declined and he was married at this point... He espouses a moral code but is a total hypocrite. If he took that lie detector test that he totally believes in, he would quickly claim its faulty when its discovered that he’s lying....

Unknown said...

http://chng.it/SgTYhXzb Read my story please!

Unknown said...

Steve Wilkos should be charged with assault for throwing chairs at people. If he actually hits one of them then it would add a battery charge too. If you're looking for someone that is reasonable to help you treat him and his "reality" show like typhoid Mary.

Jason said...

@Delrod I wouldn't be surprised by this if this were true. Apparently, Steve has also been involved in an affair with a young woman since his dui. These videos delve into more details:



Dimples25 said...

Steve Wilkos hurts his own guests to cover up his marital infidelity. We need your support. To sign our petition, visit: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/community_petitions/darien_connecticut_district_attorney_tv_host_steve_wilkos_cheats_on_his_wife/

Dimples25 said...

We just began a Facebook group to help expose the Steve Wilkos Show. Those who are interested in joining may visit: https://m.facebook.com/groups/573230863285600?ref=bookmarks

Dimples25 said...

Be sure to review our own blog about Steve Wilkos at: https://dimplesvenier.blogspot.com/2020/03/syndicated-tv-host-steve-wilkos-cheats.html

Dimples25 said...

To join our other Facebook group about exposing Mr. Wilkos cheating on his wife, visit: https://m.facebook.com/groups/607332336516484?ref=bookmarks

The! said...


The! said...


Unknown said...

Truly am sorry to hear about the loss of steve .My brother todd and my uncle doug was good friends with steve growing up in linard green .So sorry for your loss.

AlexKenas said...

He is worse than some of his despised guests as he is a sanctimonious hypocrite pretending to be a hero by virtue signalling even though he violates his own standards such as swearing. He also exposes his own ignorance and feigned morality by condescending towards "some" men who hit and berate women after sanctimoniously claiming that there is never a good reason to do so. He also claims that some dog breeds are highly aggressive despite the contradicting research. He should have stayed on the CPD instead of joining the Jerry Springer Show for his own glory. He loves to show bravado when he bodyguards are near and he has been knocked out a few times by women half his size. He was arrested for DWI with his BAC over 3 times the legal limit and begged the judge for leniency even though he showed none towards his guests for similar offenses. He is a coward pure and simple.

In all honesty, I hate sanctimonious hypocrisy more than child abuse and other offenses.

Unknown said...

Get off my stage. There I said so what you going to do?

Unknown said...

Follow exposing the steve wilkos show on Facebook

Erica said...

For everyone who cant stand steve wilkos, visit the Facebook group exposing the steve wilkos show. It's a group for his past victims to come together and share their stories

Unknown said...

Be sure to follow our new Twitter page Exposing Steve Wilkos at: https://mobile.twitter.com/exposingsteve

Unknown said...

Maybe if you had a Hitman put on him they would set him straight like higher The Hitman as a scare tactic because Steve is an entitled piece of shit and I wish nothing but death and destruction upon him cuz he's a former cop I'm glad a hot head low life like that is no longer a cop come to think of it he says he was retired but what if he was actually fired

Unknown said...

Where can this group be found?
Wilkos is the same conman that John Edwards is

Unknown said...

I agree with each and every comment/ response on this page. It's horrible that television cannot see what we see. They just endorse this unqualified person to continue in his behavior on screen. To me he is riding on others misfortune, which is the same mode of the Jerry Springer Show, just more coercive in the spirit of reality tv. There is no comedy here ala Springer, not one thing to laugh at other than the peoples oppression. Steve Wilkos needs to go. Cancel this show because there is no value in it AT ALL.

Anonymously said...

I was once a fan of him and his show, but after I learned the truth about him and being exposed, I’m done with him now. After reading all this, I couldn’t agree with you more Jess. I just don’t understand why a lot of people like him, because I think he’s an idiot and a bully. How is yelling at someone and getting in their faces helping them out? It doesn’t, it makes it even worse. The only reason why he screams and yells at people is just for the ratings, that’s all.