03 December 2009


I was quite sad that Jay Leno was cut from the talk show called "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno," in which he did a humorous monologue, looked at funny headlines, trademarked Jaywalking, interviewed famous people, and showcased various musicians for the closing act

But then he was given a new show!  It's a talk show called "The Jay Leno Show," in which he...

Wait.  He does a humorous monologue, looks at funny headlines, continues Jaywalking,  interviews famous people, and showcases various musicians for the closing act.

So what's the difference?  For me, the difference is that I'm unfortunately awake late enough to watch it.  And I'm learning something.  Maybe it was because it aired at 10:30 pm before, or maybe he had different writers, or maybe it was the lighting, but for some reason, it's just unfunny.  At 9:00 pm I'm just not tired enough to think that his repetitive puns and Kimmel-like video spoofs are inventive or even funny.  In those videos, he decides to try a bit of acting.  Guess what.  He's terrible.  My 15-year-old brother could give a more convincing "surprise face" or "devious face" or "excited face," and my brother is a one-look guy (i.e., "I didn't do anything wrong!").

Basically, it's at a bad time-slot, he must have lost some writers, and the new bright lighting doesn't pay him any favors.  He looks shorter.  Like a vulnerable old man.  And for that reason, I can still feel for him.  I was excited that he had a new show, but this just isn't what I expected.  There was the phrase "variety show" in the air last spring, and I was unpleasantly surprised to find it is just a late-night show clone.

I think it's time for Jay to spend a little more time in the garage with his cars, and let SVU come back to 9:00.  At least they can act.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Ugh.. and now he is on prime time again. I will miss Conan. P.S. thanks for the comment and password!